CLASSES & partnership

Community is another major factor
of our individual happiness.

Western culture harps on the idea of:
“Fend for yourself; you are the only one you can trust,” while we are experiencing massive connection withdrawal, crippling loneliness, and fear of missing out.

What can be the hardest piece is the
judgement we have towards ourselves
in accepting that we need community.

My work aims to break the stigma, facilitate a space for breakthrough and education,
and provides opportunities for collaboration and networking.

All investments and event costs will depend on the location, needs of co-hosts,
and expenses in creating the workshop.

I welcome collaboration in all of my events, as these create unique opportunities of community in every instance for every party involved.

If interested in business opportunities, including: Co-hosting or partnership with me, speaking opportunities, ceremonies, classes, or anything else that comes to mind, reach out via:

Instagram DM: @keelymetaxo for mysticism | @keelymetawellness for public events and yoga


Current offerings

The Soul’s Container with yogi Nicole Warren

As we embrace the new season’s changes, we would like to invite you to embrace the season of healing within with our new seven week journey, The Soul’s Container.

Each collective combines individually designed practices and tools to dive deep into your soul’s evolution, stories and strengths, while sharing space and growing in a collective space.

Each collective will and will be held at Berrylicious Juices in historic downtown Glendale, Arizona.

Each collective we will tap into new, deeper level of awareness as we connect, restore, empower, confront, release, evolve, discover the big picture of your journey, life lessons, challenges and struggles exposing deeper insights into the direction of your soul’s purpose. All this, while confronting your personal challenges in a way that nourishes your evolution.

We will connect to your divine feminine wisdom so she is your ally on your path of transformation, while embracing and accepting all truths to yourself by being your truest authentic version of you.

It’s time to tune into your intuitive guidance to tap into the flow of your life as you start to expand and step into your power of light!

Breathwork + Creative Expression + Intuition Building + Step into your power + Sacred Ceremony + Alignment + Best version of yourself + Journaling + Goddess adorning + Community growth + Ecstatic dance + Empowerment yoga

If this is something you feel is calling you, we would love for you to take the inner healing journey with us. If there is someone in your life you feel could benefit from all the offerings above, please feel free to share with them.

This collective has limited spots for availability, so if you are ready to take the leap please let us know so we can secure your spot.

Female or NB identifying individuals only, please!


We have not yet opened up registration for our next cohort of The Soul’s Container. If you have interest in joining our next cohort, please email me at

yoga & meditation

These workshop focuses on building support, vulnerability, and the appreciation and empowerment of community.

The workshop is broken into various teachings, practices, and activities centered around empowerment, authenticity, and community consciousness building and trust.

Goddess Yoga: A bimonthly class which dances with the sacral portal of the body. Join us for primal movements, empowerment yoga, and invocations of the medicines of our fellow sacred goddess energies. This class is provided for female or nonbinary identifying individuals only.

Yin Yoga:
This practice is very gentle, non-heated & focuses on deep stretching with long holds. Sixty minutes, candle-lit with soft music.

Unwind, connect & center yourself in 30-minute, non-heated, guided meditations. Combining breath work, visualizations & Yoga Nidra, set to soothing music.

PUBLIC classes

Slow Flow With Sound Healing
@ The Barbell Saves Project
Phoenix, AZ
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Free to all

sound healing

Sound healing is music which stimulates relaxation and emotional release are scientifically proven to improve not only mental/emotional states of being, but also physical health and cellular repair.

Sound healing therapy is an ancient practice originating in Tibetan and Himalayan cultures, which uses specific vibratory tools and musical instruments to invoke calm, release emotions, and access hightened states of altered consciousness.

Shamanic Sound Healing utilizes tools and musical patterns used in shamanic and earth based ceremonies and journeying in order to connect with and heal the inner most edges and depths of one's consciousness.

Rhythmic Sound Healing: A bimonthly class which combines hypnotherapy, chanting, breathwork, and sound healing to journey within the rhythm of the emotional and spiritual layers of the body.

public classes

Slow Flow With Sound Healing
@ The Barbell Saves Project
Phoenix, AZ
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Free to all

teachings & initiations

These events highlight the the scientific connection, principles, and basic application of identifying and understanding your personal energy centers as well as understanding lineage, history, and practicum to support these natural occurrences.

These events are broken into various segments of teachings which can range in time, intensity, and commitment.

Most of these events cover history, origin, science, and application of spiritual studies and practices, along with personal connection, intuitive aspect, and overall community influence.

The goal of an initiation is to imprint the story, mythology, attributes, and lessons of the energy, animal, or celestial body while paying homage through ceremonies, healings, or rituals.

The pull to initiations is a deeper pull than simply a ceremony or healing — this is a dedication to the healing path in which the initiation requires. For that, the path of integration is not for all, and especially when the subject is not fully resonate with addressing their power, limitations, or ability to trust.

These initiations can be performed on an individual or for a resonant group for a discounted rate.


Due to respect for the initiations, descriptions as well as the details are not available publicly. If this type of path or practice feels resonate to you, please reach out via email to

integration of selves workshop

Carl Jung (1875-1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. He was one of the most influential figures in the field of psychology and made significant contributions to our understanding of the human psyche. Jung's ideas continue to have a significant impact on various fields, including psychology, psychiatry, literature, mythology, and spirituality. His emphasis on the integration of the unconscious and the exploration of archetypes has provided a framework for understanding the complexity of the human psyche and promoting personal growth and self-awareness.

The Integration of Selves Workshop is a community ceremony style workshop which provides teachings, guided active imagination exercises and journaling, along with sensory/somatic activities such as sound healing, hypnotherapy, breathwork, and Reiki to introduce workshop attendees to the uniqueness of their own archetypes and how they show up and impact them personally. This will provide a safe, educational journeying experience in which the attendees can meet, identify, and integrate elements of all of their selves.

Level 1: This includes the basic educational layout of archetypes along with the following archetypes: Persona, Hero, Sage
Level 2: The focus here is diving deeper into more complex archetypes of self. Level 1 is a prerequisite. Archetypes Include: Lover/Spouse, Anima/Animus, Ruler/King
Level 3: Complexity of grey is introduced in Level 3. Levels 1&2 are prerequisites. Archetypes: Child, Orphan, Self
Level 4: Can be provided upon request when Levels 1-3 have been completed. Archetypes include: Trickster, Fool, Shadow