Meet Keely Meta
Philosophy & Practice
of Keely Meta Wellness.
I’m a philosopher and teacher of transformative wellness of the body, mind, and psychic senses.
I have been teaching and leading professionally for thirteen years, and from a technical perspective I am an certified advanced yoga teacher, Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, breathwork instructor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, sound healer and ceremonialist as well as a keeper of many carried down initiations, teachings, and practices from regions North America, South America, Japan, and Egypt.
The settings in which I have been a facilitator in traditional ceremonial spaces, in homes, gyms, studios, corporate ballrooms, college events, gambling and substance addiction companies, mental health facilities and everywhere in between.
I’m driven by a mission to serve two (albeit large) types of seekers:
Seekers who strive to completely transform their belief systems and limitation through a combination of intuition, responsibility, vulnerability, and action.
Seekers who feel the urge to use their skillsets, knowledge, and curiosity to tap into what’s possible for them, through also using a combination of intuition, responsibility, vulnerability, and action.
Hi! I’m Keely
Past Lives: I Wasn’t Always Like This
For most of my “coming of age” years, I decided that I would do as much digging as I could to confront my own personal traumas, false belief systems, and anxieties as I could.
Along the way, I found that through honesty, vulnerability, and daily practice, I was able to transform myself through small breakthroughs of growth.
Small, monumental growth is what consequentially became thousands of hours studying integrative practices & philosophies along with years of personal implementation.
Finally, my time as a student taught me one of the most valuable responsibilities I’ve taken: Teaching.
With that, I’m excited to grow with you.
Disclaimer #1: I’m Not a New Age Practitioner & I Will Always Honor Your Religion
My personal practice combines the disciplines of various cultures and philosophies, physical and emotional strengthening, expression, logical reasoning, subconscious work, and honoring paths laid before and alongside us.
I do not affiliate with a certain belief system, and oftentimes New Age thought doesn’t leave space for philosophy, modification, or variation in specific methodologies. I do not advocate for a “right” path, nor do I advocate for any specific way of thinking, especially for my students.
Do what you do, use critical reasoning, and respect the validity and gravity that your neighbor holds. That includes religion, spiritual practices, science and atheism, as all also hold wisdom and the opportunity to understand community.
I focus on unlearning fads, buzzwords, and perfectly packaged “wellness” of the new age movement in order to create new associations and unique experiences for my students.
The truth in the practices supersedes the need to fit myself into a classification, nor the need for me to be correct at all times. Due to this, I stand strongly in the titles of philosopher and educator rather than something like “guru” or “guide.” If I’m to embrace learning, I must also consider myself as someone who appreciates the universe in all of its diversity rather than needing to have definite answers to humanity’s most infinite questions.
With this, I honor, welcome, and embrace all thought patterns into my work including traditional religious structures. I encourage anyone who looks into subconscious work to be willing to to sit alongside someone of another perspective and honor their chosen path.
I’m here to facilitate a neighborhood that embraces and considers disciplines of all for the benefit of the individual and community, and that means respecting the belief systems and religions of my students.
This being said, I also do not tolerate hierarchy speech in any way, including racism, sexism, or denigration of peer practices and belief systems in any way.
Disclaimer #2: I Am Not All Love & Light Nor Do I Embrace Spiritual Bypassing
The major misconception of this level of transformational work is simply “sending vibes” and three flow yoga classes per week and not leaving during savasana (very enlightened of us).
Unfortunately, this is watered down, easily marketable and packaged and inaccurate and little to no staying power from a mental health, wellness, psychic, community, or collective perspective. This product is not my work.
This image is a packaged product which is easy to sell — the hot Cheetos of wellness if you will. Hot Cheetos are technically sustainable for a while, if you only ate hot Cheetos without supplement of nutrients, you would be introducing your body and mind to the harmful effects of a superficial diet, which if implemented into lifestyle, could alter all aspects of your life.
The same goes for yoga, which is not simply asana (poses). Asana is only one piece of an eight limbed network of mental and physical wellness tools including elements of ethical thought, action, withdrawal, and questioning oneself’s beliefs as a constant practice. Hot Cheetos vs. A nutritious meal (with a dessert). This is not to say yoga classes in studios are in any way unhealthy, but in the west they are less transformational yoga, more fitness and goal oriented, which needs to be supplemented with rest, integration, and a lifestyle change outside of 9 am yoga class in order to be truly sustainable and life changing.
This work is the real deal, and we must honor them for the power they hold. Transformation, rewriting generational hardships, addiction cycles, and creating a new life is not fluff. If you choose to work with me, I will hold your hand in addressing personal, relational, generational, and even collective shadow and dissonance and participation if need be.
The world we currently live in is seeking artists, teachers, learners, speakers, authors, creators, parents, and neighbors who step forward in action unshaken, who seek to make tangible change in their lives as well as in the world.
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