Keely’s Vision: A Hybrid Community Mindfulness Center For All

A message from Keely:

The vision behind Keely Meta Wellness, One-On-One sessions, features, and expanding my own body of accessible work is to provide a space in which community members can safely expand, self-regulate, and partner with one another as valuable community members.

My own personal vision is to create a center that coexists as an accessible studio, community garden, sacred ceremony and service space, and multi-layered mindfulness school. This school will be a training grounds for self-regulation, life skills, herbology and urban farming, certified yoga teacher trainings, and of course, more transcendental disciplines, curriculums, and practices.

With my personal experience, toolbelt, and experience in the fields of wellness, fitness, spirituality, addiction centers, marketing, and the like, I have already in the works a network of trustworthy, ethical, and highly informed facilitators, teachers, and digital professionals that are co-creating this center alongside myself.

The center will exist as a healing space, from body to mind to beyond, carefully, building skillsets and a relationship with community, which statistically with lasting effects.

Things are in the works, and we have received some kind patrons’ assistance towards providing accessibility to the local community. We do, however, have a ways to go financially before the center is able to be built. If you or an organization you know are in the space to donate any amount, the value of your contribution will be seen, felt, and experienced in every little nook and cranny of those walls.

And if not now or ever, no worries! There’s a space here if you have the ability to give.

Thank you infinitely,


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“The center will exist as a healing space, from body to mind to beyond, carefully, building skillsets and a relationship with community, which statistically (and from the lens of my work) with lasting effects.”